Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bravo, Joel!

I say, it’s bold of Joel to write this piece, pointing out how billionaires have managed to influence the politicians to finally represent their point of view in education. For too long, it’s been, “Oh, how can we help the rabble?” and “Oh, we aren’t spending enough on the bootless and unhorsed.” Now, finally, we’re seeing a return to traditional values, favoring the rich, and showing the little urchins how to best serve our needs.

Joel Klein knows that good old 19th century values are what America needs today. That’s why he’s willing to stand up against wasteful pensions and benefits. Do health benefits make better teachers? Does a pension make a better teacher? Of course not! Nonetheless, low salaries certainly save dollars that can go to tax cuts for important people like me, Muffy, Michael Bloomberg and Eli Broad.

We have made great progress in our quest. I thank you, my loyal readers, and pledge to bring a chain of Smellington charter schools that will embody all of Joel’s values. And Rupie’s job offer has certainly sustained those values! Bravo to Rupie too!


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Bravo, Mr. Governor

I say, this Andrew Cuomo is a smashing chap, just smashing. When I read a plan like this one, I’m heartened to see that all that money we gave him is finally paying off. It appears we’re dispensing with that nonsensical plan that the Regents cooked up with that odious union, and finally coming up with something we can manipulate any way we please.

This way, we can send teachers to classes where we know no progress will be made, and in a mere two years we can get them off the payroll. This will free up job opportunities for those whom we feel actually merit them. It could be in-laws, cousins, or reliable contributors to political campaigns. After all since we really represent 1% of the population, it’s really well-advised to shore up our numbers whenever possible.

Let’s have a hip-hip hooray for noble Andrew Cuomo! Every man has his price, and I for one shall sleep sounder knowing he’s bought and paid for. And for those teachers who are always complaining, there will always be dignified non-union jobs at the Smellington Academy for those who know how to do what they’re told. Sure, they won’t pay as well, but you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’re training the little urchins for their own jobs that won’t pay well. Thank goodness that Obama fellow didn’t go through with his threat to enable that Employee Free Choice Act, promoting those nasty Bolshevik trade unions!

It’s morning in America again!


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For the Love of Smedley

A Facebook friend recently sent me this link, about how the wealthy have acquired more capital as of late. This would not be so shocking if it were not portrayed as a bad thing. I tire of going back to basic principles, but it’s well-known that persons of no account have no idea how to handle capital. They fritter it away on food, rent, and other such trifles when its true magic is investment. If they aren’t going to make it grow, why should they have it at all?

Don’t their very own tax dollars finance food stamps? Aren’t there soup kitchens and shelters? Why don’t they simply make use of those facilities, buy the Wall Street Journal, and figure out the best ways to enrich whatever pittance they may come across? That’s what this country is all about, by George.

Pulling one’s self up by one’s bootstraps is, of course, troublesome for the bootless and unhorsed. This notwithstanding, it’s their duty to do so. Let it be a challenge to them, say I.  This is capitalism, and it’s what my father sweated for when meeting his lawyers to determine how best to dispense our trust funds and portfolios. If all parents went to this trouble, there’d be less foul-smelling rabble, and the world would be a better place.

Must dash. Muffy seems to have locked herself into a closet with the poolboy, and I must dispatch a servant to open it with all due haste.


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Bravo, Wisconsin!

I say, this is encouraging, a breath of fresh air if ever there’s been one.  Finally, a governor has taken action against the odious ruffians who always go on about wanting more money. Now that the tax burden has finally been lowered on those of us who know how to handle capital, the infernal government still needs a way to cover its expenses. It makes perfect sense to take it from the peasants, who in any case fritter it away on frivolities like food and rent.

This chap has eliminated this troublesome “collective bargaining” claptrap, and has also made sure these blasted unions cannot collect dues. Such funds will be given on a voluntary basis from the rabble that would otherwise be compelled to contribute, and this is smashing news. We won’t have those wretched unions to kick around anymore, and we won’t need to tolerate their blasted messages, “Oh, we need health care,” or, “Oh, we can’t make a living,” or “Oh, we need trained teachers.”

The fact is, we could easily train the bootless and unhorsed to work at Walmart or some other such odious location. They seem to flock to such places, so why should they not be employed there? And the sooner we rid ourselves of these troublesome unions, the sooner we’ll be able to place them there. Education should be offered on a strictly for-profit basis, and should be run by those in the business of business.

Mikey is quite right that those who disrespected Cathie are an affront to democracy. Soon we shall clear that up, and democracy will be whatever Mikey says it is. That’s as it should be. It’s folly to entrust the rabble with democracy. Soon we shall tell them precisely what democracy is, and they will like it, or be pummeled by the National Guard.

Smellington G. Worthington III


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Pish Posh


That’s all I have to say to the naysayers who carp endlessly about Mikey’s alleged shortcomings regarding the recent storm. I say, take a look at our street. The chauffeur had no issue whatsoever ungaraging the limo, and I’ve no doubt Mikey’s chauffeur had no problem either.

Those who complain have only themselves to blame. Had they the good sense to move into a good neighborhood, onto a decent street, they’d have no problems whatsoever. For the love of Smedley, is it Mikey’s fault if their chauffeurs are unable to manage? Sack them all, say I, and seek out replacements with intestinal fortitude! Yet another upside is, as beginners, these rabble will certainly accept lower compensation. Why waste one’s hard-inherited capital on exorbitant salaries when one could invest in a bank and see an upside?

Mikey is doing an excellent job, and has seen to it once again that those who count are taken care of. It’s not as though properties in good neighborhoods are unavailable. One simply has to have the wherewithal to purchase in the right place, and one will be well-taken care of. It’s as plain as the nose on Joel Klein’s face, which I shall miss dearly. Fortunately he’s always an email away. And for those of you who have criticized Joel as unresponsive, I find he immediately responds to my missives. You need only be polite, live in the right neighborhood, and give generously to the right causes. I never cease to be amazed at the lack of foresight and courtesy in your average rabble.

I will wholeheartedly support Mikey when he seeks his fourth term. Anyone who does not simply lacks the judgment it takes to benefit from the system, which can be easily circumvented. I’ve graciously provided several examples in this very piece, and if one chooses not to avail one’s self of them, one has only one’s self to blame.

And one more tip–if you failed to plan, and live on one of those unimportant side streets, have the chauffeurs band together and dig out the street. For goodness sake, it’s not as if they’ve got anything better to do!


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Not Enough

For the love of Smedley, it’s time to dispense with these mamby-pamby school turnaround schemes. Fire half the staff? Replace principals? Pish posh.

When a school is closed, it needs to be demolished, with extreme prejudice if at all possible. The rubble should be cleared away and a suitable real-estate developer should be selected via no-bid contract to construct a new edifice. Then an appropriate charter school operator, like myself or my friend Courtney Ross, should get input on its design. Since it’s a no-bid contract, we need not bother with those troublesome union regs and may hire whom we wish. That’s the American Way.

I have faith that my friend Cathie will soon enable such changes. In fact, I’d suggest simply dynamiting all existing schools so as to make room for worthy charter chains like the Smellington Academy. Frankly, this is the only way to give the little urchins the training they need. Why should the Walton family, which has given and sacrificed so much to the education of the bootless and unhorsed, be further saddled with the necessity of training its workers, or “associates” as they jocularly label them?

These are banner times for billionaires, and we need move straight ahead. And thank goodness that Obama chap has extended the tax breaks. Let the party continue! What’s good for Bill Gates and me is what’s good for the country!

We’re making great progress. If only that noisy Senator Sanders would shut his festering gob. Wikileaks first, say I.


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That’s how things are going, my friends.  Cathie Black is chancellor, and with all due respect, she will do even a better job than Joel did.  All this piffle about not having experience has thankfully come to naught.  The noisy protesters can stand outside of Tweed from now until Doomsday for all I care.  Mikey chose Cath, and she will be fabulous.  Muffy and I were at a party the other night and thanked her for taking this job.

First of all, Cathie has extensive experience in discharging unprofitable employees.  Her first task will be to look at all the deadwood and remove it.  The best way, in our view, is to look at salary.  Get rid of anyone making above minimum, and then get the others to agree to a pay freeze.  Right now Barack Obama is asking federal employees to take one and it would be downright unpatriotic for those overpaid pedagogues to refuse.

Then we need to get rid of those Absent Teacher Reserve characters. If they haven’t found jobs yet they need to collect aluminum cans with the rest of the riffraff. Then more charter schools, Smellington Academies in each borough, and we’ll get rid of that nasty union once and for all. Bill Gates says that will happen very soon, and that merit pay will help, as few or no teachers will ever get it. Honestly, teachers should work for tips. Pay them minimum wage until we can abolish it, and then leave a tip jar on their desks during parent teacher conferences. Then people could pay what they like and PLUs could pay nothing. It’s not really on to force us to educate the urchins. Honestly, if you can’t afford a private school you’re not going to be educated anyway. Lesson 1 is have enough to pay your way.

Take heart, all. Cathie Black is very much with the program and will help get the billions of dollars funneled to schools in the correct pockets. It’s a banner day for us. Must dash, as Muffy and the poolboy are making alarming noises in the next room.


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A Glorious Week

On Tuesday, Andrew Cuomo will become Governor of New York State and there will be a big change. Less likely Carl Paladino will become Governor of New York State and there will be a big change.   What’s important is we have fundamentally changed the conversation, and either way, we win.  Billionaires finally win, whether you vote for a Democrat or a Republican.  No one shall stand in the way of Smellington Academies, which will blossom like exclusive clubs all over our fair state.  We will teach the bootless and unhorsed our ways and they will finally raise their children to give due deference to the moneyed classes.

And let me say plainly, we’ve waited a long time for this. It used to be even a Republican governor, like that blasted Nelson Rockefeller, would feign liberalism just to have a shot at reelection. Nowadays, the punters will vote for whoever we say, and that’s as it should be.  For the love of Smedley, why should I have to invest my hard-inherited funds on politicians? Oh, it’s true Andrew Cuomo didn’t come cheap, but knowing he would win allowed us to save big on his opponent, who can fund his own campaign anyway.

With Andrew Cuomo as governor, Barack Obama as President, and Mikey as Mayor, this really has become our little playground. We’ve got all those tea party chaps insisting that we retain the Bush tax cuts and we can plow that money right back into keeping the punters in line where they belong. Muffy and the poolboy shan’t want for anything, though I certainly wish they’d wiggle out of the crawl space.  What blasted thing could they be fixing down there?

Anyway, be of good cheer.  The schools are as good as ours, and there’s billions in them. We’ve got the papers, the schools, the government, and next it’s onto those blasted internets. Once we control who can and cannot get on, we’ll have it all.  Keep your eyes peeled for online Smellington Academies!  They’re the wave of the future!

Smellington G. Worthington III


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It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane…

It’s a dashing good piece of cinema, if I don’t say so myself.  Bully for Davis Guggenheim for standing up to the naysayers and sticking up for the Billionaire Point of View.  It’s good to see folks like that Rhee woman saying kids are getting a crappy education in those schools she runs.  Doubtless she’d be overjoyed to see them replaced by a chain of Smellington Academies.  Drat the luck that got her mentor out of office, but money and time, as always, will win the day.

I’m delighted with the folks at MSNBC, who usually spout liberal claptrap, for further publicizing the film.  Muffy was so moved by it that she and the poolboy had to spend an entire 45 minutes in the restroom so she could compose herself.  She missed the part where that awful Weingarten woman came on the screen.  Fortunately sinister music came on and the entire audience booed.  It’s about time we started firing more teachers.  Certainly we could hire them more cheaply and replace them more easily if our hands weren’t tied by those blasted contracts.

Remember, it’s children first.  And we’ll get to the children.  First we have to show those darn teachers who’s boss, and I think this film will help us enormously in our efforts.

Smellington G. Worthington III


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Bravo for Donors Choose

I say, I was just reading this reprehensible piece of trash on the internets when I noticed there was some group called Donors Choose encouraging teachers to see Waiting for Superman.  For the uninitiated, Waiting for Superman is a really boffo film that explains how bad teacher unions are, and how we need to replace unionized schools with charters forthwith.  Naturally, this is a message that needs to be peddled to the great unwashed, and this organization has dedicated itself to making sure teachers see it.

In fact, at the Smellington Academy, viewing of this film will be mandatory for any teachers wishing to work for us.  They should be proud to receive this information.  Though they will not be on the clock for viewing the film, we will give them all two full hours in the evening to see it.  We will require, of course, a favorable review of at least 1200 words, but otherwise it will be strictly a pleasurable experience.

We at the Smellington Academy are always on the lookout for boffo organizations like Donor Choose, and if the chap who dreamt up this admirable plan should ever find himself at a loose end, there are always management positions open at the academy.

Cheerio, all.

Smellington G. Worthington III


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A Grand Week

I say, it’s delightful to see Bill Gates addressing one of those awful teacher unions.  They’ve finally seen the light and decided to do as they’re told.  Personally, I couldn’t be more delighted.  It’s about time we placed regulations to get rid of that awful tenure thing.  Clearly an employer should be able to fire whomever he wants, if not for the simple fact that it’s his money, but as a cost-cutting measure.

If teachers want raises for simply working longer than other teachers, fine, say I.  As soon as they are up for a rise, we’ll discharge them, and seek eager urchins to take their places.  After all, what do the rabble need to know when all is said and done?  How to serve quietly and with a modicum of dignity.  As that Jay Matthews chap says, they should work hard and be nice.

I’ve asked Muffy to provide and update, but sadly she and the poolboy joined a book club months ago, and have been studying most every night.  I do hope they finish that blasted book soon.  I’ve offered to read it myself, but they claim it’s an educational voyage of some sort, blast it all.

I shall try to provide regular updates.  I predict a smashing summer for billionaires everywhere, and if you’re weary of paying the Dalton school, we shall be providing special programs for children of PLUs at the Smellington Academy.  There is a lottery, of course, but if you are a PLU you’re certain to win it and save all that inconvenient tuition money.  After all, why should you dip into your petty cash when we can just as easily bill the taxpayer?

Will be at the Hampton address beginning Wednesday if you wish to drop by.  Only hope I can persuade Muffy to miss a meeting or two at that blasted book club.


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All in a Titter

I say, this Okey chap is not what I’d call an OK chap.  His priorities are most decidedly twisted.  How on earth could he be taking money away from Race to the Top simply to save teachers?  Why do we want teachers when we can have reform, like school closings and merit pay, that truly enable noble ventures like the Smellington Academy to take their places?  Our President is most definitely a right-thinking fellow, which is why he’s promised to veto these absurd measures.

With fewer unionized teachers there’ll be more opportunity to fulfill the golden vision of at-will employment for all.  If I’m paying the salary, I am entitled to fire the employee for whatever I wish, and why not teachers too?  What if they aren’t teaching the Smellington way?  Do I want my teachers blathering on about urchin’s rights, or training them to work long hours for low pay, thus enriching people who actually know how to invest money, rather than frittering it away on rent and groceries?

I’m relieved that New York has finally come along and decided to accept the wise reforms that Arne is promoting.  Eventually we will rid ourselves of those awful unions altogether and pay workers what we decide.  Only then will we be able to withdraw that awful minimum wage, bring back company stores, and have workers go to their graves owing employers money.  Surely by then we’ll be able to pass debts to next of kin, or at the very least have the government guarantee it.

I see a bright future for our organization, and for our visionary philosophy.

Smellington G. Worthington III


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Jolly Good News

I say, Mikey really outdid himself last night, shutting all those nasty public schools.  I’ve every confidence we can place a Smellington Academy in every darn one of them.  Perhaps we’ll install multiple Smellington Academies.  We need only change the name.

Muffy could certainly frolic in the pool at Jamaica to their heart’s content.   Perhaps we can finally let go of that blasted poolboy.  I’m getting a sight tired of finding the hopeless young man lost in my closet with half his clothes missing.  Confidentially, I think his brain is addled or something.

Anyway, jolly good show with all those hearings and whatnot, giving the unruly rabble time to vent their cut-rate spleens and then moving ahead with business.  After all, business is business.

This school business is going to make us all twice as rich, thrice as rich.  Why waste all those tax dollars on teachers?  If they were smart enough to be teachers, they wouldn’t be paying taxes anyway.

Smellington G. Worthington III


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Dashing Good News

I say, it’s high time those liberal snobs in the New York Times got off their high horse and gave us some credit for all the good we do.   Finally there’s a column that acknowledges our role in starting charter schools.  And it’s not like the rest of the country, where they actually create or rent buildings for them.  In this state, we get right in there, eject the undesirable vermin that infest the public schools, and plop our programs right there.

Where else but Mikey’s New York would such innovation take place?  We’re here, we’re wealthy, get used to it.  The hip new thing is education, of course, and since there are billions in it, why on earth shouldn’t we profit from it?  I’m weary of those socialist ne’er do wells who harp on the various bailouts.  If they bailed out the banks, there’s no reason they can’t damn well bail out the charter magnates as well.

We’re doing our bit to rid society of those awful unions and give teachers wages we think they deserve.  Wages we can afford, and still turn a healthy profit.  And we’ll show these little urchins that their hard work can result in even more profit for us.  The scourge of organized labor is coming to a screeching halt, and I’m thankful the liberal New York Times is spreading the word for us.  It’s like Christmas is weeks early and we don’t even have to bear the expense of the lumps of coal we’d budgeted for the dirty little scamps.

I wish you all a lucrative holiday season and a profitable New Year.  Must dash.  Muffy and the poolboy are raising a ruckus in the rumpus room.

Smellington G. Worthington III


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Things Are Coming Along Swimmingly

I say, it appears Mikey and Joel have employed a Goldman Sachs hypnotherapist for a piddling 374K per annum, and the rabble is already hooting about it.  There’s some uncouth individual by the name of “Reality Based Educator” whining simply because he was hired by another Goldman Sachs alum.

That’s the way the world works, old chap.  It’s all about connections.  If you went to Yale, of course you’ll look for similar-minded individuals.  Why are such individuals even permitted to comment on the internet?  We’ll see about this nonsense.

I say Bravo, Mikey, for allowing the grand tradition of the old boys network to flourish in our fair municipality!  May you rule for many decades to come!

Smellington G. Worthington III

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What Rot

I say, when I read things like this on the internets, they go right up my nose.  What sort of bounder publishes embarrassing photos of Mikey like that one?  Not only that, but this chap is outright disrespectful not only to Mikey, but to the entire concept of mayoral control.

I say, hear hear to Mikey for refusing to compromise in any way.  The only way to get the rabble in line is to control their education from the beginning, without any of this flapadoodle from the bootless and unhorsed.  Oh, the parents have to have their say.  I say, what on earth do these parents know?  If they had any sense they’d be rich.

Now sure Mikey is new money, which means he’s not as well-versed in the stuff as those of us who’ve always had it, but honestly, can you really compare Mikey, the richest chap in the city (hear hear!) to the rabble?  I say, hip, hip hooray, and for he’s a jolly good fellow!  Those who think otherwise are not worthy to touch the hem of his garment.

Smellington G. Worthington III


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Laws Are for the Little People

The execrable NY Senate has failed to renew mayoral control.  However, those of us in position to do something about it firmly support Mikey in his efforts to spearhead reform.  It’s well known that important initiatives like the Smellington Academy simply could not move forward without the leadership of people like Mikey and Joel.

That’s why I’m so heartened by this article in today’s Times, suggesting that it would be business as usual whether or not the law was continued.  There’s no sense at all in letting the rabble get involved in schools.  Schools are big money, and only people with money know what to do with it.

So don’t panic, New York.  No-bid contracts are here to stay.  Joel is firmly at the helm, and there’s no way he’s going to allow the bootless and unhorsed to interfere with the important business of making profits.  Thank goodness Mikey isn’t hampered by things like votes or laws.

Everything will be the same, so please don’t panic.

Smellington G. Worthington III

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Pocket Change

I say, what’s all the who-ha about the 18 million Michael Bloomberg has spent on buying his third term as mayor? I say, if he wants to rummage through his Queen Anne sofa for enough pocket change to run for mayor, who are we to complain?

Frankly, I think the great unwashed should be bursting with gratitude towards Mikey. Lord knows that neither Smelly nor I intend to work, so who would be mayor if he decided not to take his rightful third term? Something ghastly might happen, such as a mere millionaire getting the nod. Or, Trump forbid, a commoner. Think of what would happen then! Instead of a sales tax, we might see a progressive tax that socks fellows like me. I might have to cut the staff at the mansion down to 8 servants, thus increasing the unemployment rate!

No, what we need is an independent mayor, by which I mean independently wealthy. Clearly the way to go, old chaps. Bloomy isn’t beholden to all those awful special interest groups that want to help feed people who choose to live on the streets, or who want children to get an actual education rather than train them for the long hours we’ll need them to work if we’re ever to get the yacht running properly.

So, my fellow billionaires, while I know it hurts you to contribute to a cause that won’t put a plaque on a building named after you, I nevertheless urge you to search for that pocket change and help Mikey win his third term. It’s time for selfless sacrifice to help our fellow billionaires.


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Deep Disappointment

That’s what I feel as I stroll the streets today and see all the urchins lollygagging about.  There’s simply no reason for that, and once we open the Smellington Academy they’ll know what it means to get a job done.  And the riffraff on the street!  Why aren’t these people working, for the love of Smedley?

I say, I support Mikey and Joel with the best of them (and of course I wouldn’t consider association with anyone else) but you have to draw the line somewhere.  I mean, it’s bad enough they aren’t coming in weekends.  Let’s not compound this outrage.

I shall have a talk with Mikey and we’ll see the urchins trudge through the snow next time, as well they should.

Smellington G. Worthington III


Filed under innovation, old chap!, plebs, rabble, Riff-raff, Smellington Academy, Training the great unwashed, Uncategorized

An Unmitigated Outrage!

Hi, ho lovies! (Kiss, kiss). Just got back from a little nip-tuck vacation and I’ve heard the most shocking news! It seems that some of the teachers at my favorite, reform, I mean “charter” school have been attempting to – I can barely say the word – unionize!

What on earth can they be thinking? Don’t they realize what a poor example that would be for the children in their care?

When the Waltons first told us about their brilliant idea to create a Walmart preparatory school, we were absolutely delighted. Why, the idea is sheer brilliance! What a wonderful way to teach the children of the bootless and unhorsed to be cooperative and compliant. Uniforms, chanting, nodding on cue…why the potentials are endless.

Channel all of that so called “righteous indignation” into something productive and create an endless stream of future low-wage workers at the same time. Finally give them something to be proud of.

Needless to say, our checkbooks were immediately out to support such a worthy cause. And now, some uppity teachers want to undermine all that. Just imagine what the children will learn if they see their teachers organizing. It’s only a matter of time before they’ll be asking for ridiculous frivolities like lunch and recess and… Can someone please get me a Vicodin?

Anyhoo, I blame all of this union nonsense on that Obacka fellow. I knew that when he was elected the riff raff would start to get funny ideas in their heads about ‘quality of life’ and all of that other nonsense. That’s what happens when you don’t use the Supreme Court to elect the president.

The real question, though, is how on earth are these stories reaching the newspapers? Someone needs to get that Jay Mathews on the phone and tell him to write another opinion piece. Personally, I think he’s slacking. Someone needs to remind him who is paying his salary. Toodles!

Missy Hawthorne VonBlueblood


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